Executive coaching

Accelerate your development
Professional sparring that enhances your self reflection, self insight and decisiveness

Executive Presence

Reach your full leadership potential
Executive presence is the qualities of a leader that engage, inspire, align and move people to act

Executive Presence for Women Leaders

Become all the leader you can be
Become all the leader you can be

Executive Presence Expertise

Executive coaching

Accelerate your development
Professional sparring that enhances your self reflection, self insight and decisiveness

Excutive Presence

Reach your full leadership potential
Executive presence is the qualities of a leader that engage, inspire, align and move people to act

Executive Presence for Women Leaders

Become all the leader you can be
Become all the leader you can be

Executive Presence Expertise

Executive coaching

Accelerate your development
Professional sparring that enhances your self reflection, self insight and decisiveness

Excutive Presence

Reach your full leadership potential
Executive presence is the qualities of a leader that engage, inspire, align and move people to act

Executive Presence for Women Leaders

Become all the leader you can be
Become all the leader you can be

Executive Presence Expertise

Holter Consulting specializes in Executive Presence development for leaders and executive teams. Executive Presence is the “X-factor” of successful leaders who assert influence, drive change, and inspire organizational performance. Holter Consulting is the trusted partner of Bates Communications and exclusive distributor of the assessment tool Bates ExPI™ (Executive Presence Index) in the Nordics.

Holter Consulting uses the Bates ExPI™ as a starting point for Executive Presence coaching and executive team development processes. Through our executive presence expertise, we help organizations develop current and future leaders and achieve their strategic goals.”

Line er enormt professionel i sin forberedelse. Der bliver virkelig spurgt ind til opgaven og til outputtet, således alle er klar på hvilken vej vi skal og hvad vi skal komme hjem med. At få Line ind over som en sparringspartner i forberedelsen af opgaven, giver en hel anden dimension.

Collaboration and Strategy
Søren Dam
External Affairs Manager, Novo Nordisk

In my opinion, the best part of the two days was the understanding we got of the depth that ExPI has. Combining my own feedback I had with Line in advance with the additional knowledge they managed to pack into two full days made it very clear how and in what context the ExPI should be used and can add immense value to the individual leader and thereby the organization as a whole. This is not least to ensure the leader is capable of driving vision, creating followership and keep engagement in the organization high.

Bates ExPI Certification
Pernille Fritz Vilhelmsen
Talent Management Director, Hempel

Holter Consulting has a genuine drive for supporting leaders to succeed in their business endeavors. Through the ExPI certification I have experienced Line and Halvor’s commitment to nurture an inspiring and profound learning journey. The mix of theory, cases and peer-learning was very well designed and Holter Consulting provides a great space for learning both before, under and after the two-days seminar.

Bates ExPI Certification
Jette Louise Flensburg

It was a fantastic experience being part of the EXPI certification. Holter Consulting had managed to gather a small group of very professional, experienced and dedicated individuals, which ensured that the discussions and insights were kept at a very high level. In my opinion, the ExPI assessment is a superior tool for developing executive leaders. I’m so pleased with finally having a definition of and method to develop executive presence in leaders which ultimately will have a large impact on organizations.

Bates ExPI Certification
Pernille Fritz Vilhelmsen
Talent Management Director - Hempel

Halvor is a great coach that has helped me ask the right questions and find the answers that will work for me. This has been very valuable for me in my career progression.

Executive coaching
Christian Gabe
Managing Director (Partner), Accenture

A big thanks to Line and Halvor from Holter Consulting for bringing this much-needed 360° framework to Scandinavia and facilitating a highly professional, inspirational, dynamic and fun certification program! Looking forward to more organizations and leaders benefitting from the ExPI.

Mikkel Albertsen
Erhvervspsykolog Mikkel Albertsen

Projektet blev en stor succes og er i dag vel forankret i organisationen med stor effekt. Successen og den vellykket forankring skal tilskrives Lines engagement og dygtighed. Samarbejdet har været inspirerende og udbytterigt – og jeg ser frem til at fortsætte dette på nye og spændende opgaver.

Cross-functional Collaboration
Brian Ludvigsen
Regionschef, Lindpro

The sessions have gotten me to realise what I should be focusing on in my current and future jobs and have also made me think of what makes me happy and inspired in my work and what does not. I can recommend Halvor to everyone that feels they need to get some new perspective on their current and possible future jobs.

Ole Johansson
Business Law professional

Uden din hjælp var jeg slet ikke i stand til at lave de leverancer jeg gjorde. Du har været med til at løfte udtrykket ”perspektivering” på et helt andet niveau for mig. Du er bare god til at udfordre de tanker som jeg allerede havde gjort til en selvfølge.

Igor Stojanovic
Senior Manager, Novo Nordisk

Halvor fremstår med stor faglig tyngde, er svært troverdig, kommuniserer godt og finner en god balanse mellom å være utfordrende og støttende i sin coaching av mennesker.

Executive coaching and team development
Thor Kristian Korsvold
Daglig leder, Uno-X Energi Norge

Halvor has contributed significantly to my skills in regards to leadership and decision-making. Halvor has furthermore helped me to handle and overcome stressful and demanding challenges in my career. I am highly recommending Halvor to anyone looking for a professional and empathic business coach.

Thomas Koefoed
Principal, Netcompany

Line tænker altid i øjenhøjde med samarbejdspartere og kolleger og sikrer med sit overblik, sit målfokus og sin elegante måde at sætte et højt fagligt niveau i spil på udvikling og værdi i alle de opgaver, hun løser.

Rasmus Iver Agesen
Senior Manager People & Organization, Novo Nordisk Pharmatech